Understanding the Three Doshas in Ayurveda

Ayurveda states that every person possesses a unique constitution known as Prakriti(nature of a person). The balance of three fundamental energies or Doshas in the body determines the Prakriti or nature of a person. These Doshas regulates the mental and physical functions of our body.

Doshas in Ayurveda


Vata characterizes the energy that possesses the qualities of air and space. It governs bodily movements like breathing, circulation, nerve impulses, and digestion. Vata associates itself with communication, creativity, flexibility, change, vitality, and digestion.

When in balance, people with dominant Vata dosha exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Creative
  • Energetic
  • Enthusiastic
  • Quick-Thinkers
  • Intuitive
  • Thin Build
  •  Lightness

When people display the following symptoms, it characterizes them as out of balance with dominant Vata dosha:

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Constipation
  • Restlessness
  • Skin Dryness
  • Coldness

PittaPitta is the energy that characterizes itself with the qualities of fire and water. It governs digestion, metabolism, transformation and energy production in the body. Pitta governs all metabolic processes in the body, including digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients.

Pitta is the energy that characterizes itself with the qualities of heat, sharpness, and intensity. It governs the mental processes like intelligence and decision-making. People with Pitta dosha tend to have a medium-build and an oily skin.

Also, when in balance, people with dominant Pitta dosha exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Strong Digestion
  • Clear Mind
  • Sense of Purpose
  • Intelligent and Organized
  • Ambitious and Passionate
  • Confident and Competitive
  • Courageous and enthusiastic
  • Decision Makers
  • Driven
  • Focused

When people display the following symptoms, it characterizes them as out of balance with dominant Pitta dosha:

  •         Anger
  •        Inflammation
  •        Digestive Issues
  •        Skin Issues
  •        Heart Burn
  •        Coldness

Kapha Dosha: Kapha is characterized by the elements of water and earth. It governs and is responsible for stability, nourishment, lubrication and immunity in the body. Kapha is associated with qualities like heaviness, slowness, and sweetness.

It regulates functions related to growth, immunity, and strength. Kapha governs all the physical structures in the body, including bones, muscles, and organs. Kapha controls the mental processes like stability and forgiveness.

When in balance, people with dominant Kapha dosha exhibit the following characteristics:

  •   Strength
  •   Endurance
  •   Compassion
  •   Groundedness
  •   Calmness
  •   Nurturing

When people display the following symptoms, it characterizes them as out of balance with dominant Kapha dosha:

  • Lathargic
  • Heaviness/Weight Gain
  • Congestion in body
  • Oilyness
  • Coldness
  • Sluggishness